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University Honors Program

May 27, 2020

Interview with Paul Nolan

Describe your post-graduate international experience(s) or program(s). My interest in good governance and education systems led me across the world, to the small town of Ås in Norway. From 2019–2020, I was an English Teaching Assistant (ETA) through the Fulbright […] 

May 19, 2020

University Housing Recognizes Kay Yow Spirit of the Village Award Winners

Named in honor of the late Coach Kay Yow, who coined the “Village” moniker, the Spirit of the Village Award was established in 2008 and recognizes outstanding residents in NC State's Living and Learning Villages. 

Housing staff pose for an aerial photo on campus

May 8, 2020

University Housing Announces 2019-20 Student Staff of the Year Awards

NC State University Housing has recognized some of its most outstanding student workers with 2019-20 Student Staff of the Year Awards. 

University Housing Residence Halls from Done

Apr 23, 2020

Amid Unprecedented Circumstances, University Housing Marshals Resources and Talent to Safeguard Community

While students were enjoying spring break, NC State Division of Academic and Student Affairs teams across campus began mobilizing for the anticipated drastic measures to safeguard the community. 

A lone student uses a computer in a computer lab

Apr 20, 2020

Faculty and Staff Develop New Website to Help Ease the Shift to Online Education

The Division of Academic and Student Affairs partnered with several other departments across the university to develop the Keep Learning website, which provides resources and support for students acclimating to remote learning during the COVID-19 crisis. 

NCSU Belltower.

Apr 14, 2020

Three NC State Students Earn Nation’s Most Prestigious STEM Scholarship

Jon Palmer, Daniel Haller, and Noah Wolfe have each received the Goldwater Scholarship—the most prestigious and competitive undergraduate award for STEM students in the country. 

Chancellor Randy Woodson uses a treadmill at the Wellness and Recreation Center during his tour of the facilities

Mar 5, 2020

A Day in the Life at the Division of Academic and Student Affairs

Chancellor Randy Woodson visits the Division of Academic and Student Affairs. 

Courtney Hughes meets with a student

Feb 26, 2020

New Fellowships Office Serves All Students

The newly created University Fellowships Office, led by Courtney Hughes, will offer both graduate and undergraduate students support in pursuing prestigious external awards, like Fulbright Fellowships or Goldwater Scholarships. 

Colton Botta in graduation robes

Feb 11, 2020

Colton Botta Named a Rhodes Finalist

Colton Botta is the first NC State University alumnus in over a decade to be named a finalist for the prestigious Rhodes Scholarship. 

Jan 28, 2020

2020 Academic Advising Award Recipients Recognized

On Jan. 24, NC State honored five exceptionally deserving advisors from across the university during the 2020 NC State University Undergraduate Academic Advising Awards Ceremony.