University Honors on NC State GeoJourney 2018!
This summer, 12 intrepid students took part in the first ever NC State GeoJourney. GeoJourney is an experiential geosciences field course made possible by a grant from the National Science Foundation and partnership among the college of Marine, Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, the University Scholars and the University Honors Programs. The course is available only to incoming first-year students and aims to highlight the importance of the geosciences, potential careers in the field, and an introduction to college coursework – all while traveling, camping, and exploring some of the most magnificent landscapes in the lower 48. The students participated in a two-week road trip that took them along the course of the Colorado River to get up close and personal with geology. Stops included Rocky Mountain National Park, Arches National Park, the Grand Canyon, Zion National Park, the Hoover Dam, and many more. The trip was a huge success and can be summed up as follows:
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