Join DASA United Intramural Soccer Team
This fall staff from across DASA are again getting together an intramural soccer team for fun and exercise (participating in the Grad/Faculty/Staff league) and we are seeking new teammates!
Games are short and the season is short!
DASA United (7v7 Outdoor Soccer) Join us for our THIRD season! All ability levels welcome.
- Games are on Mondays at 5:30 p.m.
- There are only five regular season games
- Play begins week of September 9, 2019
- Game Length: Two 20-minute halves, 5 minute half-time
To join DASA United, click the link below and follow the instructions for creating an IM Leagues account. Once you have your IM League account, follow the directions for “How to Register for an Intramural Sports League or Special Event.”
(Note: to participate in Intramurals, you must have a Carmichael Gym membership)
Feel free to pass this info along to other NC State colleagues. The more the merrier! There is no maximum limit for team rosters and having a deep bench never hurts! Or, if you’ve hung up your cleats, just come out and cheer/socialize.