Jul 2, 2014
if you want to hop on board our next batch purchase of Guides for Guidebook, please notify DASA Tech no later than noon tomorrow. We’ll make purchase tomorrow afternoon, and…
Jun 24, 2014
DASA recently invested in the Guidebook app which allows us to have multiple NC State branded apps under one umbrella. As of now, eleven are live including Orientation, Wolfpack Welcome Week,…
Jun 2, 2014
Beginning the evening of Wednesday, June 11, 2014 DASA Tech will automatically deploy the new Kaspersky Antivirus software and replace Trend Micro on all Windows-based computers, both desktops and laptops.…
May 22, 2014
Congratulations to all the individuals who have been nominated for the University Award for Excellence in the Division of Academic & Student Affairs.
Welcome Justin Hammond to the Division of Academic & Student Affairs as the Director for Marketing & Communications.
May 7, 2014
The 2014-2015 ETF cycle is now underway. DASA has approximately $15,000 in funds that are generated through the Education & Technology Fee (ETF) paid by students. The process is as follows: Units develop requests for ETF funds and…
May 3, 2014
What a Year! Join us in celebrating the end of a successful year during DASA’s End of the Year Program on Monday, May 12th from 3:00-5:00pm in the Piedmont-Mountains Ballroom…
Apr 24, 2014
Apr 11, 2014
DASA Tech needs your laptop! Why? The short term reason is that security patches for Windows XP have been discontinued. Any machine runningWindows XP (or earlier) will be vulnerable to…
Feb 28, 2014
DASA Tech is tweeting! Check us out at http://twitter.com/NCStateDASATech. Here are the top 5 reasons to follow us: Stay in the loop on tech updates that impact operations in DASA units.…