Wolfpack Welcome (Back) Week
Second-year students are invited — and encouraged — to attend many of the in-person Wolfpack Welcome Week events that they might have missed out on in 2020.
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Class of 2024 didn’t quite get the same Wolfpack Welcome Week experience as many of their fellow NC State students. That’s why this year, second-year students are getting their own in-person Convocation ceremony and are invited to all of the Wolfpack Welcome Week events that were either canceled or held virtually when they joined the Pack last year.
Wolfpack Welcome Week takes place Aug. 12-21. You can view the full schedule and create a custom schedule of events using the NC State Guides app. In the meantime, here are some of the events that were specifically designed for or might be of interest to the Class of 2024:
Second-Year Specific Events
- Second-Year Family Welcome Reception (Friday, Aug. 13) [Prior registration now closed]
- Second-Year Wolfpack Wandering: Find Your Classes (Saturday, Aug. 14)
- Second-Year Convocation (Sunday, Aug. 15)
Social and Entertainment Events
- Screen on the Green (Friday, Aug. 13)
- UAB’s Talley Takeover (Saturday, Aug. 14)
- Talley Tuesday: 2000s Trivia Night (Tuesday, Aug. 17)
- “Rock the Dock” at Lake Raleigh (Friday, Aug. 20)
Get Involved and Connect with Resources
- Campus Resource Fair (Monday, Aug. 16)
- Arts NC State Info Session (Tuesday, Aug. 17)
- Council 101 with Fraternity and Sorority Life (Tuesday, Aug. 17)
- Volunteer and Civic Engagement Fair (Wednesday, Aug. 18)
- Meet and Greet with Student Leadership and Engagement (Wednesday, Aug. 18)
- University Theatre Open House (Wednesday, Aug. 18)
- Campus Community Centers Open House (Thursday, Aug. 19)
- Student Media and Technician Open Houses (Friday, Aug. 20)
- Pack on the Patio with the Career Development Center (Friday, Aug. 20)
Signature Events
- Moonlight Howl and Run (Friday, Aug. 13; Register by Aug. 12)
- Chillin’ and Grillin’ with IFC/IRC (Tuesday, Aug. 17)
- Black Students Board Back 2 School Jam (Wednesday, Aug. 18)
- Respect the Pack (Thursday, Aug. 19)
- Student Involvement Fair (Saturday, Aug. 21)
- RecFest (Saturday, Aug. 21)
- Categories: