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Student Life

Anna Poston makes a Wolfie sign by a stream

Apr 22, 2020

Poston Named a National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Hollings Scholar

Sophomore Anna Poston has been admitted into the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Ernest F. Hollings scholarship program. For the program, Poston has been awarded academic assistance for two years of full-time study and a 10-week, full-time paid internship at a NOAA facility next summer. 

Lauren White makes a Wolfie sign with her hand in front of a building on campus

Apr 20, 2020

Howling Success: Lauren White Seeks to Change the Stigma in STEM

As a sophomore, Lauren White knows how difficult it can be adjusting to college life and academics. As a member of the LGBTQ community from out of state, and as a female in the traditionally male-dominated STEM field, the task of fitting in on campus seemed extra daunting when she first arrived at NC State. Fortunately, she had several mentors who helped her get acclimated and involved, and now she’s paying it forward to others like her. 

Photo of a laptop and a person writing on a piece of paper on a table. Photo is from Unsplash: jacqueline-kelly-PeUJyoylfe4

Mar 16, 2020

Tips for Students to Prepare for Online Learning

How are faculty and students preparing to be successful in the new online environment in which we find ourselves? With much work happening behind the scenes on the faculty side, we want to be sure that students are preparing on their side too. Check out these tips for students. 

Luke Dillard studying

Mar 9, 2020

Luke Dillard Preaches Patience for Those Trying to Fit In

When he first arrived at NC State, Luke Dillard struggled to make friends and find his place on campus. But as he became more involved in student organizations and leadership programs, he established many close friendships—and confidence in himself. 

Students walk down stairs in Talley Student Union during DASA orientation

Mar 3, 2020

Student Emergency Fund Continues to Help Students Thrive

Since its establishment in 2018, the Student Emergency Fund has made over 150 grants, totaling about $70,000. With donor support, the fund will continue to ensure that no student has to choose between addressing an unexpected hardship and staying enrolled in school. 

Maggie Beal, also known as Maggie from Twitter

Mar 2, 2020

Will the Real Maggie Please Stand Up? NC State First-Year is the Subject of Viral Tweet

Maggie Beal became famous on Twitter after her grandparents told a Chick-fil-A employee about her making the Dean's List at NC State. 

A male and female student jump for a photo opp in front of a canyon

Sep 1, 2019

GeoJourney Along the Colorado River

Every year, students in the University Honors and Scholars Programs (UHSP) are invited to apply to participate in a once-in-a-lifetime geosciences field course exploring along the path of the iconic… 

Eli Whitley headshot photo

May 13, 2019

Five Questions with Eli Whitley

We spoke with student coordinator Eli Whitley, a rising junior in communication, about his involvement in orientation and how he makes new students feel at home. 

Dec 4, 2018

Summer 2019 Orientation Dates

Mark your Calendars for 2019 Summer Orientation! Orientation sessions for first-year and transfer students are college/program specific, so students need to attend the appropriate session for the major/college in which they are accepted and enrolled. 

Jul 1, 2018

Check out the 2018 Wolfpack Welcome Week Calendar of Events

NC State will kick off the 2018-2019 academic year with a PACKED week of programming