Message from Dr. Mike Mullen: Supporting Each Other Through Recent Tragedies
Dear Wolfpack,
This week brought yet more grief with the horrific killings of Alton Sterling and Philando Castile and the five officers in Dallas last night. As a community, our thoughts are with the families and friends of the victims.
I know that these events have left many of us reeling, myself included. I am saddened, maddened and heartbroken by this continued violence that disproportionately affects young black men in our society. I know that many are constantly looking over their shoulders, wondering if they will be stopped or questioned or followed, simply because of the color of their skin. And, I know that this must become unacceptable in our society.
This event, along with the many other events of the past year, weigh heavily on us. We must continue to find ways to discuss these issues, to find ways to come together to fight racism, hate and bias on our campus and in our communities. We, as a campus community, are here to serve and support our students, staff and faculty during these times. Please know that our resources are available should they be needed.
Our Counseling Center is available for students 24/7 and can be reached at 919.515.2423. The Multicultural Student Affairs office in Talley is available as are the staff in the African American Cultural Center. Please do not hesitate to reach out and talk with someone about these issues.
Counselors are also available for faculty and staff by contacting the Faculty and Staff Assistance Program. The FASAP is confidential and provided at no charge to faculty, staff and their dependents. Access counseling services 24/7 through FASAP by calling 866.467.0467, or using online resources at fasap).
We must not allow these incidents to become commonplace or accepted. We must use our voices to bring awareness and change to the issues in front of us. I challenge us, the NC State Community, to continue to work towards positive change that will one day perhaps help us to avoid these senseless acts of violence that occur far too often.
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