Second Annual FYC Career Connections Event
On Saturday, February 28th, approximately 700 students flocked to Nelson Hall for the First Year College’s Career Connections event. This event consisted of 11 panels including: Engineering; Business; Medical & Health; Law, Social Justice & Community Outreach; Sustainability, Natural Resources & Agriculture; Research; Writing, Speaking & Media; Art, Design & Textiles; Tourism, Hospitality & Event Planning; Education, Counseling & Human Services; and Math, Statistics & Technology.
Each student was able to attend two sessions where they engaged with the panelists to hear about their career paths and ask questions. The 62 panelists also shared wisdom and provided advice for these exploratory students.
The Career Connections event provided students with a valuable opportunity to have a glimpse into the life of a professional, as they continue to work through the process of deciding on their major and career paths.
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