Letter from the Vice Chancellor and Dean: Justice and Equality
Greetings NC State Community,
Welcome to the 2015 spring semester. We hope that you have returned to campus with renewed energy and excitement for the new challenges you will meet this year. And, during this time of renewal, it is also time to reflect on the historic work of Dr. Martin Luther King to move our society forward in the name of justice and equality. We started that reflection last night with the Martin Luther King Jr. Commemoration Speaker, Dr. Melissa Harris-Perry.
The events that have transpired over recent months in Missouri, New York and around the country have touched our campus. Many in our community have been deeply impacted and are hurting or frustrated. In the true spirit of NC State, we encourage you to engage in honest, thoughtful dialogue on these issues.
We are privileged to lead students who are driven by passion, who have the courage of conviction to rise for what they believe is right or wrong. Rarely is it easy to speak openly about racism and the protection of human rights, but productive conversations about these sensitive topics are vitally important. Our perspectives may differ from others but our commitment to listen and try to understand differing perspectives is a hallmark of a university education.
Last night, Dr. Harris-Perry implored us to be aspirational and to encounter ideas that are different from our own. So, as you return to your daily routines, I encourage you to continue these important conversations with an open mind and a desire to be the best you can be.
As a campus community, we will continue to focus on these critical issues with programming such as the “Tunnel of Oppression” coming in February, the “Do You See What I See” campus dialog on Thursday evening, and the “You, Me, We: It’s Time to Talk” discussion series.
We eagerly await the many opportunities that the new year will bring, and look forward to what will surely be a productive and exciting semester!
With Wolfpack Pride,
Dr. Mike Mullen
Vice Chancellor & Dean
Academic and Student Affairs
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