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Google Services

Need a Google generic account or Google Group? We’re ready to help! Here is the process.

  1. Contact  your local tech support via the correct Help Address to make your request.
  2. Although everyone has access to the tool to make requests for new Google services (generic accounts, groups and calendar resources), all DASA units should have their local techie make the request on their behalf for these reasons.
    a. We want to ensure that the right techie is listed as a technical contact for support purposes.
    b. Your request to us gives us the opportunity to discuss and then advise you on which service/feature will work best for your needs; this might be a Google Group, but it might also be a Google Contact Group, or a MajorDomo list, or some other solution.
    c. We want to advise and ensure good naming conventions, which are important for consistency and usability purposes.
  3. Once the new Google service has been created, your techie and you (and/or whomever you designate) will be contacts, and others can be added as contacts as needed.

Please see these resources: