Det 595 Cadets Earn German Armed Forces Proficiency Badge
Det 595 Cadets Earn German Armed Forces Proficiency Badge
On the weekend of February 18, three Det 595 cadets competed for the German Armed Proficiency Badge. Cadets Nathaniel Holmes, Christopher Duffy, and Garrett Scoggins completed a two-day evaluation. Events included a 9mm Pistol Marksmanship qualification where candidates were given six seconds to fire two shots at targets 75 feet away from the prone, kneeling, and standing position. They then demonstrated proficiency with dawning MOPP gear and passed a written Combat Life-Saver Test. On day two, candidates completed a 7.5 mile ruck march with loads of 35 pounds or more. They then competed in track events to include a 1000 meter sprint, shuttle run, and flexed arm hang. Finally candidates demonstrated survival-swimming skills by completed a 100 meter swim, fully clothed, in under 4 minutes. Upon completion of the swim, candidates then had to remove their outer clothing whilst treading water. All candidates earned the gold medal, and proudly represented both Det 595 and the US Air Force to the Army ROTC and German Liaison.
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