Advisers Lead: 2022 College Advising Corps Virtual Adviser Assembly
Check out the adviser-led session designed and executed by College Adviser Kiera Lindner (South Granville High School), Daniela Iniesra Varelas (University of Connecticut College Advising Corps), and Ursula Gamache (University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill College Advising Corps).
Do you have undocumented students at your school? Are you looking for more information about the available college and career opportunities for them? If yes, then you’ve come to the right place!
The video above includes a variety of topics about supporting undocumented students through a presentation followed by a Q&A. Check out the session to learn about different status types and public policy affecting undocumented students; scholarships and financial aid; career and employment info; opportunities at public and private colleges; and supporting undocumented students within your school context.
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